My Contact and Product Information

Sherry Fillmore
email for my phone #

I do a variety of wood work and some sewing when the machine and I can get along (which isn't very often!!) and a few other misc. things. I can do the little projects that will be seen most on here, but I also refurbish/restore antiques. I refinish/restore dressers, stools, frames, doors, etc. I can customize just about anything to fit your personality and style!! Most of the smaller wood projects range in price from $8.00-$30.00. All larger restoring customizing projects would require an estimate. Click on the pictures to view a larger image! Enjoy~ Sher

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Furniture Restoration.

Here are some projects, ie: furniture and things that I have refinished/restored. I don't have all of the before pics to them. I wish I'd have thought of it before I got started.

I finally found this picture. This is my rocking chair in 2004. This rocking chair came from my grandma's neighbor who was going to throw it in the dump. Sure glad I got it first.

After, My husband and I refinished this in 2004.
We had it finished just in time for baby #2 to come into our lives Jan 2005.
Beautiful isn't it? Everything is the original wood except for the seat and
my husband shaped the top for me.
Not for sale-for obvious reasons!!

This was a bread box that I made into a stable for my son's birthday!

No one bought this after I refinished it, so I decided to use it myself.


I refinished this for my sister, who served a mission for the LDS Church in the Philippines.

Here is an end table that I refinished. So far I am just using it in my own home, no one has offered me enough money to make it worth selling yet!! I kinda really like it!!

I love old hutches. This did not turn out the 'green' color I was aiming for so I'll be redoing it again!! And no it's not for sale.

I was going to take this dresser to the second hand store, and then decided I should try fixing it up first and see how it turns out!! I love it!!! I'm sure I have a before pic somewhere in all my photos, I just haven't taken the time to look for it.

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